feel the care for the ocean
of the
It is crucial that we take immediate action
to protect our oceans
for the well-being
of future generations
Big dump
more than 1 million seabirds and 100,000marine mammals
die due to plastic pollution
Human Waste Engulfs Water Spaces
Every year, approximately 8 million tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean, equivalent to dumping garbage from one freight truck every minute.
Each plastic bottle, thrown on the shore or discarded from a ship, threatens
the lives of marine animals.
Each plastic bottle, thrown
on the shore or discarded from
a ship, threatens the lives
of marine animals.
Every year, more and more marine species
disappear. Over the past 50 years, about 90%
Moreover, over 80% of all marine plants and animals live in coastal areas, which are excessively exploited by humans, leading to the disappearance of their habitats and to their extinction.
of large fish such as tuna,
swordfish, and whales
have been destroyed due
to overfishing
Species Tragedy
Every year, more and more marine speciesdisappear. Over the past
50 years, about 90%
of large fish such as tuna,
swordfish, and whales
have been destroyed due
to overfishing
Moreover, over 80% of all marine plants and animals live in coastal areas, which are excessively exploited
by humans, leading to the disappearance of their habitats and to their extinction.
That all toxic pollutants that break down into microplastics, permeating
marine life and contaminating
the marine environment.
Each year, about 13 million tons of plastic
and chemical waste are discharged into
Toxic Waters
the ocean creating toxic conditions
for marine organisms,
marine animals
and humans who
eat seafood
think about
Each year, about 13 million tons
of plastic and chemical waste are
discharged intothe ocean creating
toxic conditionsfor
marine organisms,
marine animals
and humans who
eat seafood
That all toxic pollutants that break down into microplastics, permeating marine life and contaminating the marine environment.
Lost treasures
Over the past 30 years, about 50% of all coral reefs have already been destroyed or severely damaged
every year we
lose about 1%
of the remaining reefs
Coral reefs are one of the richest and
most diverse ecosystems on Earth, but they are on the brink of extinction.
Coral reefs are one of the richest and most diverse ecosystems
on Earth, but they are on the brink of extinction.
Action for rescue
Saving our oceans should be a primary concern
for each of us for future generations
even small actions can make us the saviors of the ocean
Joining volunteer programs for coastal and marine clean-up organized by various organizations allows actively participate in marine environment protection by removing litter, restoring habitats, and aiding in the conservation of marine species.
Simply reducing the use of plastic bags and bottles can reduce the amount of plastic waste entering the ocean.
Waste separation reduce the amount of waste that can end up in the ocean. Material recycling helps conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
in volunteer programs
reduce plastic consumption
waste separation
Joining volunteer programs for coastal and marine
clean-up organized by
various organizations allows actively participate in marine environment protection by removing litter, restoring habitats, and aiding
in the conservation
of marine species.
Simply reducing the use of plastic bags and bottles can reduce the amount of plastic waste entering the ocean.
next time you’ll be on the ocean, do something with care for it
a lot of
for the ocean
The site was developed
for non-commercial purposes
by web designer and scuba diver
The site was developed for non-commercial purposes
by web designer and scuba diver
The site was developed for non-commercial purposes
Human destroyer
of the oceans
Made on